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What are we?

We are a foundation made up of a group of people ethically committed to global human development. We believe that borders are an illusion and we take care of reducing those distances by working collectively in order to overcome poverty, discrimination and inequality gaps.

What do we do?

We work in the area of education, from a multidimensional approach and in the field, seeking to collaborate in providing more opportunities to the communities of greater economic and social vulnerability in South Africa.


Our project


Amandla Blog

Reflections and experiences

We invite you to know what this path has been,

what we are and what we do, through our blog.

Our values

collective commitment


Integral development



How much does the schooling cost for our scholarship recipients?

What are our administrative expenses?

Income and annual expenses.


Become a sponsor, or member, or give a donation.

No contribution is considered small because between all of us we add up.

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Our song: 'Mama Africa' -Tractors

' Mama Africa' was born in 2013 after our founder completed a year living between Xitlhelani and Malamulele. At that time, he asked a group of friends from an emerging band on the Chilean music scene (The Tractores), if they could compose and perform a song capable of capturing the experience of what was known and apprehended throughout that year.

The lyrics and melody of; Mama Africa; connect us with a story of effort and sacrifice. It calls us to recognize and embrace the strength of so many women who have dedicated their lives and work to the service of their families, especially, that of their sons and daughters. A reality that invites us to dream, collectively and write a future that, through education, will provide more and better opportunities for children, their families, and the community as a whole.

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